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Kültür ve İnsan

General Information

What is its capital? Ankara What is its political system? Founded in 1923, the Republic of Türkiye is a democratic,...

Yüksek Öğrenim ve Kredi Yurtlar Kurumu(KYK) Başvuruları

Culture and People

Daily life Turkey serves as a bridge between Asia and Europe, not only in terms of its strategic geographical location...

Coğrafi Konum ve İklim

Geographical Location and Weather

Geography Turkey's geographical position on the world map is a significant determinant of its social, economic, cultural, and political life....

Vize ve İkamet İşlemleri


Traveling from Turkey to various cities in Europe and Central/Near Asia is convenient, with a range of transportation options available...



While the affordability of student life in Turkey depends on individual lifestyle choices and preferences, it is generally considered cost-effective....

2023 TR-YÖS 2 Sonuçları Açıklandı

2023 TR-YÖS 2 Sonuçları Açıklandı

2023 TR-YÖS 2 sonuçları açıklanmıştır. TR-YÖS 2 sonuçlarınıza ÖSYM'nin https://sonuc.osym.gov.tr/Sorgu.aspx?SonucID=9783 adresinden bilgilerinizi girerek ulaşabilirsiniz.

The Highlights

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