University Details - Istanbul Beykent University - STUDY in TURKEY

 Type :

 City : İstanbul

 Year of Establishment : 1997

 Türkiye Ranking : 167

 World Ranking : 1001

 Number of Students : 30000

 Number of International Students : 2100

 Number of Countries with Students : 78

 151 Programs

 1 Scholarship Program

Required Documents

  • Blue Card
  • Certificate of Birth Registration Sample
  • Dormitory Entry/Exit Document
  • Exam Result
  • High School Diploma
  • High School Graduation Equivalency Certificate
  • High School Transcript
  • Passport
  • Personal Photo

Istanbul Beykent University

Istanbul Beykent University was established by the Adem Çelik-Beykent Education Foundation on July 9, 1997, as a foundation university with public legal personality, under Law No. 4282.

Our founder, Adem Çelik, believed that education would be the solution to Turkey’s growing and developing needs and acted with the responsibility of "serving society." With this awareness, after creating a flawless educational chain from kindergarten to high school, Istanbul Beykent University was added to this chain.

The university began its educational activities at the Beylikdüzü Campus in the 1997-1998 academic year and today continues its education in four campuses located in central areas of Istanbul, equipped with high-standard facilities.

Over the past 25 years since its establishment, the university has grown by increasing its number of students and graduates each year, developing as an innovative, social, and dynamic university. Its goals are to train professional individuals who are sought after not only in Turkey but also worldwide, and who will best represent our country. They continue to achieve these goals by providing education at 21st-century standards and growing together with their new graduates.

With the law numbered 7437 published in the Official Gazette on February 9, 2023, the name Beykent University was changed to Istanbul Beykent University.

Full Scholarship Programs (1)
Scholarship Program
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
Programs (151)
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
4,074 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
4,074 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
4,074 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
4,074 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
11,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,565 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
4,074 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
12,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
4,074 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,361 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
2,546 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (Without Thesis) Turkish
4,074 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,731 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Master (With Thesis) Turkish
3,056 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish