Muş is a city located in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, known for its historical and natural beauty. Its history dates back to the Urartian period, and the city has hosted many civilizations. Muş Castle is among the significant structures reflecting the city’s history. Additionally, Murat Bridge and Arak Monastery are other notable landmarks showcasing the region's historical richness.
The cuisine of Muş stands out with its rich and unique flavors. Muş meatballs, haşıl, kete, and murtuğa are local dishes that must be tried. Local products like walnut sausage are also quite popular in the city.
Muş has a continental climate, with harsh, snowy winters and hot, dry summers. Its people are hospitable and deeply rooted in their traditions. The city also offers enjoyable moments to visitors with its annual tulip festival and natural beauty.