University Details - KTO Karatay University - STUDY in TURKEY

 Type : Private

 City : Konya

 Year of Establishment : 2009

 Türkiye Ranking : 139

 World Ranking : 3743

 Number of Students : 8790

 Number of International Students : 512

 Number of Countries with Students : 65

 81 Programs

 0 Scholarship Program

Required Documents

  • Blue Card
  • Certificate of Birth Registration Sample
  • Dormitory Entry/Exit Document
  • High School Diploma
  • High School Transcript
  • Passport
  • Personal Photo

KTO Karatay University

Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University holds the distinction of being Turkey's first foundation university. Established by Law No. 5913 published in the Official Gazette No. 27281 on 07/07/2009, it takes its name from Karatay Medrese, the first Foundation Higher Education Institution in Anatolia, and Konya Chamber of Commerce. The university, which admitted its first students in the 2010-2011 academic year, graduated its first students in June 2013.

Today, it offers education to more than 9,000 students in 6 faculties, 2 vocational schools, 3 vocational schools, and 1 institute. It has a total area of 532,629 m², with 97,553 m² closed and 435,076 m² open area. According to the 2021 Evaluation Report of Foundation Higher Education Institutions, it ranks 9th among 77 foundation higher education institutions in terms of total area size.

KTO Karatay University aims to shape the future of humanity with a sense of historical responsibility. It aims to train individuals based on strong theoretical and practical knowledge that will benefit society nationally and internationally. It focuses on finding solutions to the problems of the industry and trade sector in its region, particularly. Its vision is to become a globally recognized university by the 800th anniversary of Karatay Medrese's founding in 2051.

Giving great importance to research activities, the university produces qualified studies taking into account the economic, cultural, and social structure. It ranks 5th among 68 foundation universities in R&D expenditures. In terms of graduate employment ranking, it ranks 15th among 153 universities in Turkey. And in the ranking of employees working in jobs suitable for their qualifications, it ranks 26th.

KTO Karatay University houses many faculties, schools, vocational schools, institutes, and research centers. Among these centers are important units such as the Turkish Language Teaching Practice and Research Center, Seljuk Culture and History Research and Application Center, Child Education Practice and Research Center, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Practice and Research Center, Aviation and Economic Enterprise. These centers conduct various scientific research, organize educational programs, and provide consultancy services.

Full Scholarship Programs (0)
Programs (81)
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,530 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,530 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,300 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,900 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,055 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,300 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,900 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,055 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
4,325 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,300 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,900 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,325 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,900 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
4,325 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,900 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,530 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,900 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,900 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
4,325 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,530 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,055 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,300 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
3,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
4,325 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,325 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
4,325 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
8,145 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,055 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,055 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,055 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,300 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
1,780 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,055 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
6,110 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,300 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
3,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
2,290 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,300 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,400 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish