University Details - Istanbul Kultur University - STUDY in TURKEY

 Type : Private

 City : İstanbul

 Year of Establishment : 1997

 Türkiye Ranking : 147

 World Ranking : 3387

 Number of Students : 13733

 Number of International Students : 1092

 Number of Countries with Students : 78

 128 Programs

 0 Scholarship Program

Required Documents

  • Blue Card
  • Certificate of Birth Registration Sample
  • Dormitory Entry/Exit Document
  • High School Diploma
  • High School Transcript
  • Passport
  • Personal Photo

Istanbul Kultur University

Istanbul Kültür University (IKU) was established by the Culture College Education Foundation (KEV) on July 9, 1997, under Law No. 4281 enacted by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The university aims to support the Republic of Turkey's goal of reaching the level of contemporary civilization through quality education.

IKU began its educational activities in the 1997-1998 academic year with 157 students and 32 academic staff in the Faculty of Science and Letters (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Department of Business Administration), and Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (Departments of Civil Engineering and Computer Engineering), as well as the Vocational School of Business Administration and the Vocational School of Technical Sciences. The university graduated its first associate degree students in 1999 and its first bachelor's and master's degree students in 2001. By the end of the 2021-2022 academic year, the total number of graduates reached 34,165.

IKU provides education on three campuses located along the E-5 and TEM Highways, covering a total area of 127,966 square meters. The Bakırköy Campus houses the Faculties of Science and Letters, Engineering, Architecture, and Art and Design. The İncirli Campus includes the Vocational School, while the Bahçelievler Campus hosts the Faculty of Law, the Vocational School of Justice, and the Faculty of Health Sciences. The Küçükçekmece Campus is home to the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the Faculty of Education. These campuses, located in easily accessible areas and surrounded by dense populations, embody the characteristics of an urban university. IKU currently has 13,388 students enrolled.

IKU offers a wide range of academic programs through 8 faculties, 2 vocational schools, and a Graduate Education Institute. The university employs a total of 700 academic staff, including 55 professors, 37 associate professors, 130 assistant professors, 94 lecturers, and 97 research assistants. Additionally, IKU offers 31 undergraduate programs (10 in English and 21 in Turkish), 29 associate degree programs, 45 thesis-based master's programs, 26 non-thesis master's programs, and 9 doctoral programs.

IKU aims to cultivate versatile and specialized individuals by offering Double Major Programs (DMP) and Minor Programs (MP). Through these programs, students can graduate with additional diplomas or certificates alongside their main degrees.

IKU provides various scholarship opportunities based on the results of the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS). The university offers 100%, 50%, and 25% scholarship quotas and supports its students with various need-based and merit-based scholarships.

IKU's student-centered educational approach aims to develop well-rounded individuals. The university produces graduates who are knowledgeable about contemporary technologies and capable of working in the international business world while maintaining active alumni relations. Research activities are conducted through the university's R&D center, 20 research units, and 52 laboratories.

Full Scholarship Programs (0)
Programs (128)
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,145 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
5,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
5,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
5,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
5,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
3,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
5,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
4,800 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
5,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,800 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,800 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,465 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,145 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
5,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
3,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
5,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
5,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
5,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
3,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
2,550 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
2,125 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
3,600 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
3,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
2,500 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish