University Details - Yasar University - STUDY in TURKEY

 Type : Private

 City : İzmir

 Year of Establishment : 2001

 Türkiye Ranking : 99

 World Ranking : 2521

 Number of Students : 9373

 Number of International Students : 224

 Number of Countries with Students : 49

 95 Programs

 0 Scholarship Program

Required Documents

  • Blue Card
  • Certificate of Birth Registration Sample
  • Dormitory Entry/Exit Document
  • High School Diploma
  • High School Transcript
  • Passport
  • Personal Photo

Yasar University

Yasar University was planned to be established in 1999 by the decision of the Selçuk Yasar Sports and Education Foundation. The Yasar Group had a known structure with its contribution to the industry and its pioneering role, and aimed to establish a university with a similar pioneering character.

Officially established by Law No. 4633, approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on March 29, 2001, Yasar University commenced its education at the Alsancak Campus in the academic year 2002-2003.

To determine the vision and mission of Yasar University, a workshop called the "What Needs to be Done Workshop" was organized. In this workshop, a roadmap was set for the university to become an institution that integrates technology and science, is predominantly science-oriented, and is effective internationally. An action plan was developed considering new departments, needs, and future trends in society.

The vision that Yasar University aims to adopt is to become a world university that shapes and transforms the future. Its mission is to create sustainable values ​​with qualified education and research and to contribute to society by educating innovative individuals who guide the future.

Full Scholarship Programs (0)
Programs (95)
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD English
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
16,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 PhD Turkish
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
4,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Associate Turkish
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Thesis) English
7,200 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Masters (Without Thesis) English
6,000 USD
Fall 2024-2025 Bachelor English