Üniversite Detayları - Ostim Teknik Üniversitesi - STUDY in TURKEY

 Türü : Özel Üniversite

 Şehir : Ankara

 Kuruluş Yılı : 2017

 Türkiye Sıralaması : 0

 Dünya Sıralaması : 10217

 Öğrenci Sayısı : 5683

 Uluslararası Öğrenci Sayısı : 2541

 Öğrencisi Bulunan Ülke Sayısı : 73

 33 Program

 0 Burslu Program

Gerekli Belgeler

  • Mavi Kart
  • Doğum Kayıt Örneği
  • Yurda Giriş/Çıkış Belgesi
  • Lise Diploması
  • Lise Not Dökümü
  • Pasaport
  • Vesikalık Fotoğraf

Ostim Teknik Üniversitesi

Ostim Technical University aims to educate individuals with the competencies and skills required by the future knowledge society and smart/digital production ecosystem. With its focus on sustainable development, the university aims to create superior economic, social, and environmental values and aims to achieve a reputable and attractive position in the universal higher education ecosystem.

Located at the heart of industry and business, Ostim Technical University combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience by placing talent and competency at the center of its education and training system. The university, which provides added value to society through interdisciplinary scientific approaches, collaborates with all stakeholders to produce creative solutions through an open university approach. As a thematic, third-generation entrepreneurial, and innovative university at international standards, it aims to educate future innovative and entrepreneurial leaders.

Tam Burslu Programlar (0)
Programlar (33)
4,625 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
4,625 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,475 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,700 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,700 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,475 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,300 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,300 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,475 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
3,300 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,300 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,475 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,475 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,475 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
2,475 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,475 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
18,500 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,300 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
3,300 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,700 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,700 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,250 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish