Üniversite Detayları - İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi - STUDY in TURKEY

 Türü : Özel Üniversite

 Şehir : İstanbul

 Kuruluş Yılı : 2018

 Türkiye Sıralaması : 136

 Dünya Sıralaması : 6302

 Öğrenci Sayısı : 4118

 Uluslararası Öğrenci Sayısı : 705

 Öğrencisi Bulunan Ülke Sayısı : 64

 37 Program

 1 Burslu Program

Gerekli Belgeler

  • Mavi Kart
  • Doğum Kayıt Örneği
  • Yurda Giriş/Çıkış Belgesi
  • Lise Diploması
  • Lise Not Dökümü
  • Pasaport
  • Vesikalık Fotoğraf

İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi

"Even the flutter of a butterfly's wings in the Amazon Rainforest can create a hurricane that travels around half the world. The smallest action or decision can significantly influence the course of life. Our choices and actions, as small as a butterfly's wings, can create a much better future."

Istanbul Atlas University began its academic journey in 2018 and welcomed its first students in 2020. Embracing the "butterfly effect" slogan, the university was founded with the hope that small steps can lead to significant outcomes and was named "Atlas."

With a strong academic staff and an innovative approach, Atlas University stands out for its commitment to universal values, aiming to conduct research at both national and international levels under the guidance of science and produce knowledge that benefits society and humanity.

Atlas University comprises five faculties: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Faculty of Health Sciences. Additionally, it includes a Vocational School and a Graduate School of Education. The campus, covering approximately 110,000 m² of open and closed space, hosts thousands of students.

Tam Burslu Programlar (1)
Burslu Program
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
Programlar (37)
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
14,535 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
11,970 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
15,390 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
12,825 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
1,440 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Ön Lisans Turkish
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
2,778 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans Turkish
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English
3,206 USD
Güz 2024-2025 Lisans English